Twenty-two pastors will travel together Jan 27 to Feb 10 to the land of our faith's beginnings. We will visit, learn, pray, and reflect on what we experience there and our vocations at home. This blog shares our journey with our friends and family at home. We covet your prayers. Funded by the CF Foundation of Atlanta, the pilgrimage is led by the Rev. Dr. Trisha Tull and the Rev. Jane Larsen-Wigger. Please leave comments by clicking on "comments" at the end of any entry.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Getting Ready

I bought really comfortable new shoes today and a "converter" for the electric. I also got a perm yesterday so I have very curly hair, but I won't have to pack a blow dryer!!

1 comment:

  1. So far all I can say is "incredible". My hotel window overlooks the sea of Galilee. Today we saw the church of the loaves and fishes where it is thought that Jesus fed the 5000. I read the story from Matthew's gospel to the group before we entered the chapel and that was powerful. We also went to the church called "Primacy of Peter" where it is thought that Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection and cooked breakfast. Our last stop was Capernaum where we saw the ruins of Peter's house and read the story of the healing of Peter's mother-in-law. After lunch we came back to our hotel where I took a 90 minute nap. We meet at 5:45 for sharing and worship. Supper is at 7. Tomorrow we will worship at the Mount of the Beatitudes where it is a Feast day. Blessings to all. Thank you for your prayers. Please continue them!
