Twenty-two pastors will travel together Jan 27 to Feb 10 to the land of our faith's beginnings. We will visit, learn, pray, and reflect on what we experience there and our vocations at home. This blog shares our journey with our friends and family at home. We covet your prayers. Funded by the CF Foundation of Atlanta, the pilgrimage is led by the Rev. Dr. Trisha Tull and the Rev. Jane Larsen-Wigger. Please leave comments by clicking on "comments" at the end of any entry.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

It is Sunday evening and we have had a very full day.  i apologize for not writing more but all of my instructions   are in Hebrew .  Today we began  our travels with worship on the Mountof Beatitudes. We conducted our own Service with Jennifer as our Worship Leader. Most of us read aloud The Sermon on the Mount  and gave Holy Communion to one another. No one knows the exact spot on this mountain but all {Jews Christians and Muslims }agree that it was this this one.  The experience was so moving.  Just thinking of the number of times I have preached from this Serom and now to to hear the words being spoken from the very place where Jesus spoke them! Next we Karazim [Hebrew] spelling - a place that was cursed by Jesus  y

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