Twenty-two pastors will travel together Jan 27 to Feb 10 to the land of our faith's beginnings. We will visit, learn, pray, and reflect on what we experience there and our vocations at home. This blog shares our journey with our friends and family at home. We covet your prayers. Funded by the CF Foundation of Atlanta, the pilgrimage is led by the Rev. Dr. Trisha Tull and the Rev. Jane Larsen-Wigger. Please leave comments by clicking on "comments" at the end of any entry.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thoughts about Tabgha

Again, I posted over on my blog, but I'm linking here to share with the group (and all you folks at home following our trip!)

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are beautiful and your writing is wonderful. I am so glad that you are sharing!!
